Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Dem Yoots

Ok, slight abuse of the blog, this, but it's mine so I can. I bought a copy of the New Statesman on the plane and there's the most disturbing article in it about social policy and young people. Amy and I (Amy's my sister, 14) were talking about it afterwards and I told her I thought that young people of around her age have never been discriminated against as badly as they currently are. When we are defining a social problem on the basis of age, we should probably stop a moment and check for our opposable thumbs, because we're taking a step backward on the evolutionary scale. It's not right and it's not ok, and I'd love to know what other people think.

Now I'm climbing down from my soapbox and going outside to frolic happily in the sun.

Thanks to Matt for posting your comment - you know you're almost as funny as me (which is fair, because I'm almost as tall as you). You might think you're jealous dude, but we both know you can't be around an American accent for more than 40 seconds without wanting to trace it to its source and eliminate it. I don't think you'd even have made it through the flight without trying to give elocution lessons to half the passengers - I can see it now, "Day does not have more than one syllable and deep down you don't care if I have a nice one or not! Prepare to meet your doom!" Love you bro (and I mean that in the sibling rather than the Hood sense) xxx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,

Just reading your blog makes me want to be there to share the experiences.

Your comments about the flight reminded me of what happened to me once. We had a very nervous passenger sitting near us who kept up a running commentary of her fears that the 'plane was going to crash, that the person sitting at the back was surely a terrorist, that the pilot sounded tired . . . . in the end, I asked her she would like to have my book to read if as it might help her to calm down. "Yes please" was the answer - and then I realised that I was reading Alive! Oops!

I'm looking forward to reading your blog over the next few weeks. Have a great time!

I'll read the article in the New Statesman. Stay on the soap box -someone needs to.

Love Bridget X

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missy, you're on holiday - chill your boots. Geez.

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I jest. I love that you care, you are however in the US of States and there is going to be a whole lot of things that will make you mad, sweet thing - like the fact they don't do mayo with their chips for one - and I would like that not to happen on a daily basis that is all.

You rock - missin' you and still a nasty ol' shade of envy green.

L x

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dude

This blog stuff is a bit too cool for school. The photo's are great, looks bloody lush! I'm with Lisa on the envy side, looking a little green, wanting to be there with you guys. I can be there in a couple of days, go on!

Hope all goes well with collecting your new home for the next few weeks. Road trip in style my friend.

If you complete your task set by Lisa of the high five (which by the way you absolutly should do) then I want photo evidence for your blog!

Continue to have crazy amounts of fun and adventure. Hi to Amy and Martin.

Miss you gorgeous one
Love u
K x x
P.s I want a butler please!

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmmmm that article in the new statesman, got to be honest & say it made me laugh more than anything, whats going to be the next thing Mr. Blair, when that lot falls on it's arse...shooting them? The article (and from what i have seen on the news before now) does make me believe that the government has started to see this as a war against teenagers, another war they won't win i feel.

They will happily spend tax payers money on flying helicopters over parks (which, i know for sure does not come cheap), these new mosquito alarms & huge bright lights also, when really, they should be investing that money into more youth clubs & schemes to keep them off the streets, this, i feel would be a far better approach to the problem & a better message to be sending out.

All that said Sarah, you mention the fact that we're taking a step backward on the evolutionary scale, i agree with you, but hasn't this government taken a step backward on everything they control, all there policies are duff & seem to move in the wrong direction, this one will be no different.

Well, it is now 2am back in England, so I'm off to bed, keep writing, you got me hooked lol, love to hear your rants & stories, but remember, you are on holiday, so don't get to angry flower.

Take care & enjoy the sun xxxxx

1:32 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Wow. Great conversation there dudes! Kate, great to see you (cyber speaking of course), was thinking about you a lot today. I take your point about being on holiday, will try not to get too worked up about anything, but it's not easy taking a holiday from yourself! You know, too that technically I wasn't on holiday when I had the conversation, I was on the plane. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!

6:58 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Phil, have already been told off for talking shop, but couldn't agree with you more lovely. I hope that what comes around goes around. The young may be the leaders of the peaceful revolution yet! I should take your attitude more and try to laugh about it, too. There's a phrase that I've picked from somewhere recently that keeps going through my head when I have those 'It's not fair!' moments - the sin is the punishment. It doesn't mean that we should take no notice of what others do, but it does make me think that blind fury is not always the answer. Thanks for the comments!

7:02 AM  

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