Good morning London, Good afternoon Los Angeles

Well, we actually arrived! After what felt like one of the longest flights in the world (about ten hours, all done without my usual 'We're going to die! We're going to DIE!!' hysteria), we fell into LA X. No, I cannot describe how glamorous I feel to be writing that, from LA! I was a bit disappointed about the customs process, I had rather expected some kind of probing to take place at least, but the charming and friendly officers seemed utterly unthreatened by us and sent us on our way with good wishes and directions to a reliable cabbie.
On the journey to our hotel - the Marina Del Ray - I was beset with a moment of panic. For one thing the roads were crazy, it was hot and the first two minutes of the journey made me think that Los Angeles was a cross between one huge billboard and a construction site. For a second, I thought, what am I doing here, and then I saw my very first real-time, life-size liquor store (actually with Liquor Store in the hugest letters outside) and I knew I had come to the right place.
The hotel is wonderful, everyone has been very friendly and I have found a soulmate in a charming waiter called Ruben, who I bonded with over a bottle of Corona. We knew we liked each other when he asked me if I wanted a glass and I burst out laughing. He said that he didn't think I was the type to drink beer from a glass and made it sound like a compliment. I've decided that before we leave to collect the RV tomorrow, I shall try to persuade him to return to England as my well-paid, live-in butler (I told you all I'd find my butler one day, I just hadn't thought he would be a middle-aged Mexican!). Here's Amy outside the hotel looking the picture of glamour. For the record, my sister is seven steps beyond fabulous - and then some!
We're all exhausted, over-excited and deliciously happy. Tomorrow we collect the RV (I keep saying this but the truth is I have no idea what an RV even is, I'm just copying everyone else) and then head for a campsite just outside LA. We're to do Universal Studios tomorrow or the day after before moving on, I'm not sure where to next. Someone else is in charge of that. Heather (an old friend from my school days and fellow member of the Coven) will be glad that I'm doing Universal Studios, as she berated me heartily for the fact that we're not doing Disney. What can I say, the Mouse and his many anthropomorphic friends just don't appeal to us. The only thing I really know about Disney (World? Land?) is that no one ever dies there (though they do.....), and that old Walt was a bit of a swine. Besides, I've never been comfortable with those huge characters walking around in their suits - although one of my friends (and many of you will know who) has a fabulous story from his days working in Disney (World? Land?) about seeing Snow White giving Goofy a blow job behind the scenes at the Magic Kingdom - now there's a postcard I'd take a trip to the gift shop for.
Thanks Mark, Jane, Mumu G (missing you already, and that Bean) and of course the lovely Phil for posting on the site already - this blogging business is a fab way of keeping in touch and much more interactive than a postcard! Mark, I'm hoping that gaol/jail can be avoided, but the ever-generous Mr B (who discovered me, as you all know) has offered to bail me out of whichever scrapes I get myself into. Though he may have been joking, I firmly intend to hold him to that if needs be.
I want to post some pictures that we took tonight, but I'm not sure how, so if they're here I'm doing well. The last one I'm attempting to add is a picture of the Marina. This picture is the view from our hotel, looking out at yachts and boats and other sailing vessels of various (unknown to me) description. For some reason, I never expected to find this in LA, which may be a perfect illustration of my ignorance, but if so, also provides a perfect illustration of the reason why sometimes (just sometimes, mind) it's a wonderful thing to be wrong.
So the flight wasn't so bad after all? I'm very impressed to get the first posting so quickly and with pictures too (Amy looks fab, as usual) - is there no end to your talents? Keep the reports coming 'cos I want to know all.
Oh, and is there any chance you could get an extra butler in your case (it'll save you buying a pressie)? xxx
Glad to hear you touched down safely in Los Angeles Sarah, i can feel the excitement in you from here lol! The pictures are great, can't wait to see more as your holiday unfolds. I love the fact that you have found a possible Butler, what a bonus that is, you do make me laugh out loud you really do, quality!!!!
Have fun & i will catch you soon xxx
Unfortunately, there is only one Ruben, and he might take some persuading! Thanks for checking the site so often, it's great to be able to write this, actually, and uploading the pictures was a doddle (she says as a virus takes down the entire hard drive.....). It's a really nice way to keep in touch with everyone.
Missy, I am positively green with envy - have you high-fived anyone and shouted 'ahhh-some' yet? Please try.
Fancy Ruben knowin' you better than you know yourself, that dude rules - bring him home immedietly! (opps, needless to say, I've just tripped out the spelling queen!)
Am lovin' readin' 'bout your 'Americanos, blue jeans and chinos' adventures and am mucho impressed that you're some kind of techno-girl and able to add pictures. Chick, you rule.
Hey dudes,
Amy and I have been chanting awesome quite a lot, which is to say that I've shouted awesome when she's been with me and she's looked politely the in a different direction and moved away. I haven't hi-5'ed anyone yet though, which is an interesting challenge, especially now that Kate has added the challenge of getting a photo. Watch this blog. I'll see what I can do.
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